Department of Family Court Services
Director: Jessica Alvis (440) 406-3288
Help Center | Family Court Services | Voices for Children | IV-D Domestic Support
Court Services
Cases come to Court Services by Court Order or by a party making a request. The issues handled by Court Services include divorce, dissolution, custody, parenting time, and include cases where there is non-compliance with existing court orders.
Court Services covers six major areas:
A Home Inspection is ordered when the Court is determining the most appropriate placement for
children. A Home Inspection consists of a Specialist visiting a litigant’s home and viewing all structures on the property, including all rooms, cupboards, closets, and garages.
An Investigation is ordered by the Court, and it includes interviewing parties to a case, as well as related individuals, such as family members, teachers, and/or any other person who may have significant information about the parent or child(ren). In addition, the parties’ background information and documentation from outside agencies is collected by the Specialist.
Mediation is a structured, confidential, non-adversarial process whereby parents and/or parties to a case meet with a Certified Mediator, who assists the parties in communicating and understanding the perspectives and positions of one another, discussing the needs of children, and resolving disputes in high-conflict cases.
Pro Se Mediation is when parties without a court order voluntarily come to court to determine issues of visitation and make an agreement that becomes a court order. To request Pro Se Mediation, please complete this form and return it to the Court Services Department.
When the Court orders Supervised Visitation through Court Services, the Specialist will facilitate and observe visitation between the parties and the minor child(ren) at the courthouse in one of two visitation areas in the Court.
The Seminar for Separating Parents is a required program by the Court for parents separating either by divorce or dissolution, as well as for unmarried parents, and/or other parties seeking custody and/or visitation for Juvenile Court. For more information, please call 440-326-4846 or email [email protected].
Please click the links below to learn more about the seminar, to register for the seminar, and/or to access materials for the seminar.
Seminar Forms:
Seminar for Separating Parents Booklet
Voices for Children
Program Manager: Tim Green (440) 329-5556
Lorain County CASA/GAL Program
Voices for Children (VFC) is affiliated with and a member of the nationally recognized Court Appointed Special Advocate – Guardian ad Litem (CASAGAL) Program. The role of CASA-GAL volunteers is to advocate on behalf of neglected and dependent children in formal court proceedings.
The Voices for Children Program is responsible for recruiting volunteers, overseeing training and continuing education requirements, and providing support for volunteers throughout the court process. The volunteer undertakes an investigation into the circumstances and the family life of each assigned child. The volunteers review records, conduct interviews, and maintain contact with parents, relatives, foster parents, neighbors, and most importantly, the child. Upon completion of the investigation, the CASA-GAL appears in Court, provides information, and makes recommendations as to what course of action is in the best interest of the child.
To learn how to become a volunteer, please visit or contact Tim Green at 440-329-5556 or at [email protected].
IV-D Domestic Support
Program Manager: Margie Torres (440) 326-4843
The IV-D Domestic Support Unit provides judicial services to the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA), operated by the State of Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.
Ohio’s child support program is a federal, state and county partnership charged with creating and implementing programs that meet federal and state laws and regulations. The contract provides funding for the operation of the Domestic Support Unit and includes full and partial reimbursement of salary and benefits for 16 court employees, including two magistrates.
The purpose of the Domestic Support Unit is to provide hearings to address all issues involving the support of children, including default and contempt. The unit provides staff to prepare and file all journal entries pertaining to child support in the Juvenile Clerk’s Office.