Department of Probation and Youth Services
Chief Probation Officer: Sarah Tremont
Deputy Chief Probation Officer: Donna Rivera-Wells
Phone: (440) 326-4880
The Department of Probation and Youth Services provides a continuum of services to address the needs of Lorain County’s unruly and delinquent youth and their families while taking necessary measures to address public safety when necessary.
Juvenile Intake Department
9967 South Murray Ridge Road, Elyria, OH 44035
Phone: (440) 326-4010
Fax: (440) 323-0188
The Juvenile Intake Department, located at the Lorain County Detention Home, conducts all detention arraignment hearings. Intake magistrates are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to respond to law enforcement’s requests for admissions to the Lorain County Juvenile Detention Home.
Lorain County Assessment and Resource Center
1070 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035
Phone: (440) 326-4019
Email: [email protected]
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday: 8:00 am to 9:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Closed on Observed Holidays
The Lorain County Juvenile Court Assessment and Resource Center welcomes youth and families of Lorain County to contact us for support and connection to services. Families can stop in during business hours or call us to set up an appointment at a time of their convenience. We are also located in some Elyria and Lorain schools during the week. Call the Assessment Center or your child’s school for more information. Over the last year, our facility has served over 1,200 cases and has successfully linked youth and families to a variety of services in the community to meet their needs. We remain proud to provide this service to the citizens of Lorain County and will continue to provide a caring and professional environment for the members of our community that we serve.
Youth and families participate in a thorough psycho-social assessment to identify youth and family strengths and needs. Assessment Specialists use this information to link youth and families with community agencies/resources designed to meet youth/family needs. Assessment Specialists can provide light case management services to youth and families as requested. All youth/families receive follow-up calls within the first week following assessment and again 30 and 90 days following the completion of the assessment.
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement Officers are encouraged to contact the Detention Home Control Room at 440-326-4040 to determine whether the Assessment Center is an appropriate option to resolve concerns immediately or by appointment. Officers are asked to contact a parent/guardian and ask that the parent also reports to the Assessment Center if it is decided that the youth will be transported to the Assessment Center. It should be noted that youth must be medically cleared to report to the Assessment Center if they have obvious injuries, appear to be under the influence, or are presenting as actively self-injurious, suicidal, or homicidal.
Parents are encouraged to contact the Center at (440) 326-4019 when they feel they need assistance managing their child’s unruly or delinquent conduct. Should you leave a voicemail, an Assessor will get back with you within 24 hours. Parents and juveniles will have an opportunity to be heard on the presenting needs within the home, as well as be advised of the resources in the community that can best meet those needs.
Educators are encouraged to refer when they feel that a youth would benefit from Assessment Center services. Educators may call the Assessment Center at 440-326-4019 for consultation on potential referrals or they can email the Assessment Center with demographics and details on the presenting concerns. Emails can be directed to [email protected].
The Department of Probation and Youth Services understands how difficult it can be for families to wait for help and is very pleased to be able to offer youth and families the opportunity to receive an immediate assessment and linkage to appropriate services.
Diversion Services
1070 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035
Research indicates that it is in the best interests of unruly/ungovernable youth and youth who commit minor offenses to be diverted from formal Juvenile Court involvement. When Assessment Center Staff review complaints, police reports, or charges, and determine that the presenting issues are most appropriately addressed by diverting the youth from formal processing of unruly or delinquency charges, they refer the matter to our Diversion Services Department.
Our Diversion Specialists engage youth and families in a Diversion Conference, during which a psycho-social assessment is completed to identify youth and family strengths and needs. The Diversion Specialists make recommendations and referrals for services to build upon strengths and address identified needs. The Diversion Specialists can help with linkage to services, case management, and support for a brief period, usually less than 90 days. The goal of diversion is for the youth and family to effectively address their needs within the community, without long term diversion involvement or formal court involvement.
In-Home Detention and Pre-Dispositional Services
9967 South Murray Ridge Road, Elyria, OH 44035
The In-Home Detention/Pre-Dispositional Services Programs provide a service that offers an alternative to detaining youth in the Detention Home pending further pre-trials or dispositions. Staff will monitor youth by doing random home visits, school visits, and phone calls to juveniles and their families. Random drug testing is also completed on select youth. The release of serious offenders will require the use of GPS electronic monitoring, which is monitored by program staff. Use of this equipment permits 24-hour monitoring of youths’ adherence to “home detention.” Violations may result in further restrictions and/or placement in the Detention Home.
Post Dispositional Court Ordered Probation Services
Probation Department
225 Court Street, 2nd floor, Elyria, OH 44035
Phone: (440) 326-4880
Juveniles placed on Probation have been assessed as needing continued Court supervision and services. They are required to participate in creating a case plan that is designed to address the specific needs of the juvenile and family. Juvenile Probation makes every effort to take a rehabilitative approach. This involves embracing families and community organizations as partners and motivating youth with opportunities to explore their interests and develop skills, rather than by threats of punishment. Our focus is on interventions, supports and community resources that are effective and evidence based.
Juveniles are assigned a Probation Officer, who monitors the juvenile’s compliance with court orders and case plan requirements through contact with the juvenile, family, school officials and other professionals involved in the juvenile’s life. The frequency of contact is based upon the youth’s assessed risk to recidivate. The Probation Officer is responsible to make reports to the Court regarding the youth’s progression. Rewards and incentives are used to encourage cooperation and compliance with services, keeping the best interest of the family in mind.
Additional responsibilities of the Probation Officer include providing security for Court operations, participating in meetings with outside agencies and assisting families in accessing community services. They also provide supervision for adults charged with Contributing to the Unruliness or Delinquency of a Minor.
Sex Offender Program
225 Court Street, 2nd floor, Elyria, OH 44035
Phone: (440) 326-4880
Juveniles adjudicated delinquent for a sexual offense are referred for a sex offender risk assessment. The assessment determines appropriate recommendations, with options including community treatment, out-of-home placement, or commitment to the Ohio Department of Youth Services.
For juveniles who remain in the community, the Probation Officer will design safety plans to provide adequate supervision of the offender and protection for the victim and the community. The Probation Officer supervises juveniles by monitoring their participation in sex offender specific treatment, and monitor the juveniles’ behavior and actions at home, school and in the community, and supervise compliance with dispositional orders of the Court. The Probation Officer receives specific training to assist in identifying behaviors that can lead to further offending.
Offenders participate in individual and / or group therapy with local agency treatment providers. The Probation Officer maintains frequent contact with the treatment providers to share information, observations, and interventions. Programming lasts between 18 and 24 months. Failure to complete all requirements of the program will result in further Court action possibly requiring out of home placement. Based on age and type of offense the Court may classify an offender as a Sexually Oriented Offender Registrant (JSORN).
Success for Youth
225 Court Street, 2nd floor, Elyria, OH 44035
Phone: (440) 326-4880
Success for Youth provides skill development for youth diagnosed with Borderline Intellectual Functioning, who have been adjudicated delinquent. Programming offers an opportunity to learn social skills, computer skills, and job skills to assist juveniles in obtaining employment and eventual independence. Success for Youth focuses on males and females from Elyria and Lorain, aged 15 – 17, who are experiencing difficulties due to their educational and social-emotional diagnostic needs.
Catholic Charities collaborates with the Court to provide case management, social skills development, assistance with career development, preparation of resumes, computer skills and realistic job skills training that is designed to meet educational and employment needs, as well as personal development. The assigned Probation Officer is responsible for encouraging youth to utilize skill-building techniques, implement learned coping strategies and to encourage positive parent engagement.
The Probation Officer and Case Manager plan social activities that provide an opportunity for youth to utilize their skills, while providing tools for redirecting conflicts and addressing any barriers to learning. The Case Manager and Probation Officer work closely with identified treatment providers, school officials and other supportive community members in the child’s life to encourage compliance and success in all aspects of the youth’s life.
Crossroads Evening Reporting Program
1064 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035
Phone: (440) 326-4075
The Crossroads Program offers a higher level of supervision to youth while they remain in the community. All participants must meet program criteria and be ordered into the program by a Magistrate or Judge.
The Crossroads Program consists of a 16-week reporting phase followed by a 4 to 6-week aftercare phase with no reporting guidelines. The reporting phase includes 4 levels of reporting. As youth progress thru the levels, the required number of reporting days per week will be reduced from 5 to 2 days per week. The Crossroads reporting schedule is Monday through Friday, between the hours of 4:00pm to 8:00pm during the school year and 10:00am to 2:00pm during the summer months. The aftercare phase is an opportunity for youth to show the tools and skills they have learned while reporting. Additional therapeutic needs will be identified and delivered based upon the need of the youth and family on site or in home.
While reporting, youth and families can expect to receive intensive services through a collaborative effort with Applewood Centers. Parent involvement is expected and required. Applewood Centers provide programming and services in the form of parenting groups, individual and family counseling sessions, AOD groups, and case management services. The Crossroad’s Case Managers will facilitate an evidence-based curriculum. In addition, youth will participate in other activities including life skill development, problem solving activities, team building exercises, and career exploration lessons. Other cognitive counseling programs and ancillary programming will be utilized including Carey Guides and BITS.
Supplemental Programming
Bellfaire / JOP
The Juvenile Offender Project (JOP) is a collaborative effort between the Court, the Integrated Services Partnership of Lorain County, the Mental Health, Addiction, and Recovery( MHARS) Board, and Bellefaire Jewish Children’s Bureau. This partnership provides an extensive assessment and psychological evaluation for juveniles currently involved with the Court, primarily for offenses of violence that have exhibited significant mental health symptoms. The evaluation is comprised of multiple testing tools, an assessment of the family system, a thorough review of medical charts and reports from previous service providers and school systems. The assessments may be done by Bellefaire JCB or a contracted service provider. Community resources are recommended and support services are put in place to assist the juvenile as well as the family.
Bellefaire also provides a JOP residential bed in collaboration with the Children’s Continuum of Care Committee (4C) when the need for inpatient treatment is indicated.
Community Control Officers are responsible for monitoring and assisting in the components of the case plans. The Court staff monitors and documents all contacts with the juvenile and family, attends staff meetings, makes home visits, participates in 4-C reviews, and provides transportation services when necessary. The Community Control Officer works closely with the JOP participants, their families and service providers.
For more information, contact I&R Program Manager – Jean Frantz (440) 329-5262
Yes Program
The Youth Education Shoplifting Program (YES Program) is an educational, rehabilitative program offered to juveniles referred to Court for first time petty theft/shoplifting offenses. Participants are ordered into the program from both official and unofficial cases heard by the intake magistrates.
Eduvention/Substance Abuse Education Program
The Eduvention program is designed to provide drug and alcohol education and prevention services to juveniles and their parent/guardian. Services are geared towards youth who have been referred to the Court for misdemeanor alcohol or drug offenses. Juveniles and their parent/guardian can attend the four sessions of the program in lieu of a delinquency charge being filed. Eligible participants are typically, but not exclusively, first-time offenders. Some participants are court-ordered to attend the sessions, while others may be referred from local law enforcement via a police report provided to the Court. A record of their attendance is docketed into the record and charges are diverted.
Lorain County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services (LCADA Way) provides, at no cost to the participants, education, and prevention interventions, off-site from Court operations. Services are funded, in part, from grants through RECLAIM monies provided to the Court. Parent/Guardian(s) are required to attend the sessions with youth, to provide education to the entire family about the effects of drugs/alcohol on the adolescent brain and development. The goal is to learn prevention techniques and refusal strategies to deter future substance use. A screening instrument is administered to participants at the time of the first meeting to determine if there is a need for further referrals or treatment. After the orientation meeting with families, if some are identified as requiring additional interventions, the LCADA Way staff will refer them accordingly.
The Pay-Back Program
225 Court Street, 2nd floor, Elyria, OH 44035
Phone: (440) 329-5790
Restitution is an essential component in the rehabilitation process. It is also the means whereby victims find recourse through the justice system. Through this program, the offenders are held accountable for their financial obligations to victims.
The Pay-Back Program has four objectives:
- Ensure the offender’s compliance with Court orders
- Provide a work experience that allows the offender to make restitution
- Provide victims with access to the Court
- Facilitate communication between the Court and all involved parties: victims, prosecutors, insurance companies, etc.
The process is initiated by a court order for restitution. The Program Manager contacts the victims, and they are required to supply the Court documentation for their loss. Once the restitution amount is determined, the juvenile is given two payment options:
- Execution of a monitored, monthly payment schedule
- Placement in a court developed jobsite At the job site, juveniles are credited with minimum wage compensation and payment to the victim is made through the Lorain County Treasurer’s Office. The program partners with numerous jobsites throughout the county. The jobsites provide a work experience for the offenders and on-site supervisors evaluate the offender’s work performance.
Anger Management
The Court’s Education and Program Coordinator oversees two anger management programs. The programs provide basic and intermediate psycho-educational groups to aid juveniles and their parents in addressing anger issues. Anger Control Training, facilitated by Psychiatric and Psychological Services is a basic nine-week program, while Aggression Replacement Training, facilitated by court staff, is a more intensive ten-week twenty sessions program.
Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
This psycho-educational program utilizes the Making Proud Choices curriculum to help youth learn to make safer and healthier lifestyle choices by providing attendees with information regarding pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted diseases prevention, contraception, healthy relationships, education and career planning, healthy relationships, and financial literacy.