The Lorain County Domestic Relations Court recognizes that the legal system is tough to navigate. To better assist you, we are making comprehensive, user-friendly forms. Until we complete these forms, please use the below resources, which will help you find what you need to file and provide forms to file.
Ohio Legal Help:
Ohio Legal Help is a nonprofit that guides, informs, and connects Ohioans with the right help for their legal problems.
Ohio Supreme Court Domestic Relations & Juvenile Standardized Forms:
All Forms:
Parentage, Allocation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities, and Parenting Time
Change in Allocation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities
Change in Child Support, Medical Support, Tax Exemption, or Other Child-Related Expenses
Juvenile Delinquency & Truancy Resources
Financial Disclosure Form for Court-Appointed Attorney
Sealing and Expungement Application
.pdf forms can be opened using Adober Reader or Foxit Reader (available here)
.doc forms can be opened with Microsoft Word, or the free Open Office (available here)