Staff Spotlight
Kayla is an Assignment Commissioner working in the Juvenile Clerk’s office.
Q & A with Kayla
Describe your job to someone that is looking to enter the field and secure employment with Lorain County Domestic Relations Court?
“My job is definitely busy all the time. The assignment commissioners are the faces you see when you come into court and the voices you hear when you call to ask questions. To describe my job in the simplest way possible, I schedule hearings with the judges and magistrates and coordinate hearing dates with attorneys. This is not always an easy task, but it definitely keeps me on my toes and gets me to problem solve daily matters. Every day is different but that is one of the reasons I love my job. One of the important parts of my job is to keep a positive attitude and be kind to the citizens of Lorain County. No matter what issues arise within my job, it is important to keep pushing forward and just work through it.“
Provide some information about your first few weeks in your position. Were you required to complete training? Were you excited or overwhelmed? When did you start feeling comfortable within your position?
“When I first started with the Court as an assignment commissioner, I was only 18 years old and it was very overwhelming. Everything was fast paced and I was nervous that I wouldn’t catch on quickly. I was also the youngest person in the court and felt like I wasn’t going to fit in. Fortunately, this soon changed when I met all of my co-workers. They made me feel so welcomed and were always there if I had questions. There was a lot of information to learn during my first two weeks of training and at first it didn’t all make sense. After my initial two weeks of asking questions and training, everything became more clear and fell into place. It has been a year since I started and I am still learning new things about the Court on a daily basis.”
“What are the most important skills needed to be successful a Juvenile Clerk/Assignment Commissioner?
“There are so many skills I have learned and improved on while in my position. With each passing day and more repetition, I get on my current skills, the more successful I am with completing tasks and doing my job overall. Some of these skills include patience, the ability to multi-task and the ability to work under pressure. There are a lot of things going on around you at all times and with implementing these major skills, you are more likely to succeed. I have grown so much as a person since starting here and I believe that has a lot to do with the amount of questions I ask. If I am ever unsure about anything, I always ask questions to get the guidance I need and I consider this on of the most important methods to learn a position.”
What are the aspects of your job that you love and are the most rewarding?
“There are several reasons to love my job. One of the most rewarding aspects of my position is knowing that I have helped someone in one way or another. Whether that person is someone from the public or a staff member, making their day easier is a rewarding feeling to me. Another rewarding aspect is getting a challenging task done that I needed to dedicate time to. When I get a problem solved or a task completed it is a very good feeling as I know I contributed something positive to the Court! Overall, my job has gotten much easier as I have grown with time and I am very comfortable handling anything that will come my way.”